Nels Anderson

Nels Anderson
Fenix Health and Wellness has participated in 8 medical tourism conferences in Mexico, standing out for its importance. In 6 of these conferences, we were invited as speakers, sharing our experience and knowledge. We collaborate with excellent doctors and work with the most renowned hospitals in each city where we operate, always ensuring the best care and attention for our patients.
The idea to establish Fenix Health came about after a trip to México in 2012 to have a procedure that changed my life and re established my Health and Quality of life.
Bear river High School – 1983
Utah State University 1984- 1989 ECONOMICS AND SPANISH
Missionary for the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints 1984 – 1986 Guadalajara, México.
Owner of Fenix Health and Wellness from august 2012 to present. Working out of 8 cities with in méxico. Having worked with over 8,600 clients and friends, helping them to reinvent and regain their Health and Wellnes
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